Forensic Evaluations
What is a Forensic Evaluation?
Forensic evaluations are a type of psychological assessment designed to answer a psycho-legal question. This type of evaluation can assist the attorney in constructing the most effective legal arguments and allow for informed legal decision-making. The comprehensive nature of the forensic evaluation can allow the court to take into consideration extenuating and mitigating circumstances. Without a forensic assessment, these crucial psychological issues may not be identified and highlighted for the court when taking into consideration verdict and sentencing.
Types of Forensic Evaluations Offered:
Capacity for Guardianship
This evaluation assesses cognitive functioning and functional abilities to determine capacity.
Substance Use
This evaluation is best suited for individuals facing DUI/DWI charges.
Anger/ Violence
This evaluation is best suited for individuals facing domestic violence or assault charges.
Independent Medical Evaluation
This evaluation provides an objective assessment to clarify mental health conditions, diagnoses, or treatment needs in cases such as workers’ compensations claims, personal injury lawsuits, or disability disputes.
This evaluation is best suited for situations in which there is a question of a specific diagnosis.
Suitability Evaluations for Law Enforcement & Dispatchers
These positions often come with a high degree of job-related stress, psychological distress, and vicarious trauma. This evaluation will aid departments in choosing candidates that are resilient and can withstand the occupational stress, thereby reducing high turnover rates.
Workman’s Compensation Utilization Review
This evaluation encompasses a review of treatment summaries, psychological reports, intervention notes, and medical records to determine if psychological interventions are reasonable and necessary.
Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation
Depending upon the referral question, this comprehensive evaluation may include the following: assessment of the client’s memory, mood, personality, social/emotional/behavior issues, trauma history, intelligence, suicidal/homicidal ideation, malingering, etc.
Psychosexual Evaluations
This evaluation is a comprehensive assessment to evaluate an individual's sexual behaviors, attitudes, and functioning, often in the context of legal cases or treatment planning for sexual offenses or concerns.
Each evaluation includes a report with tailored recommendations that can be used for court, treatment, or other purposes. Select evaluations are accompanied with feedback and case consultation.
Don’t see the type of forensic evaluation you are looking for? Reach out to Dr. Kaylor.
Dr. Kaylor has offered forensic evaluations at :
Brooklyn Supreme Court in New York City,
Shelby County Jail in Memphis, Tennessee
South Carolina Department of Mental Health
Dr. Kaylor is very familiar with law enforcement, the judicial system, and current legal research.
Need Forensic Case Consultation?
Dr. Kaylor has you covered! She has written numerous book chapters and scholarly articles on forensic topics, such as sexual deviancy, sexual crimes against children, failure to protect, jury decision making, and other forensic topics. She can help you find research and statistics to support your case.
Are you a law firm that would like to partner with Dr. Kaylor?
Forensic FAQs
Dr. Kaylor recommends consulting with your attorney first. Explain your psychological concerns and how they might relate to your legal situation. If you and your attorney would like to consult with Dr. Kaylor about whether a forensic evaluation can meet your needs, you can book a free consultation.
Some issues that may warrant a forensic evaluation include:
Trauma history (sexual, emotional, physical, neglect)
History of learning difficulties
Attention/concentration issues
Memory problems
Mental Health History
The answer to this question will depend upon the nature and complexity of the psycho-legal referral question. It is best to contact Dr. Kaylor as soon as you know that you would like a forensic evaluation to allow for adequate time. With your help (e.g., timely gathering of prior records, being flexible with appointment times), Dr. Kaylor can work as quickly as possible to meet your desired timeline.
Depending upon the psycho-legal referral question, the elements involved in the forensic evaluation may vary. Typically an evaluation will include a comprehensive interview where you will be asked questions about your childhood, instances of abuse or trauma, education, social adjustment, relationships, work, medical and psychological history, and legal issues. Dr. Kaylor may also use a variety of measures to assess areas that pertain to your legal concern (e.g., IQ, memory, personality, risk). She will review the documents you provide and integrate all this information into a report.
Dr. Kaylor will tailor the forensic evaluation to meet your unique needs and legal question at hand, therefore the assessment can vary in cost. Depending upon the complexity and scope, a forensic evaluation can range from $2,000 to $9,000 or more. Dr. Kaylor will provide you with an all-inclusive price prior to starting the assessment.
When the evaluation is complete, Dr. Kaylor will write a comprehensive report and conduct a feedback/case consultation session with you and your attorney to discuss the results. The report will include client history, results of the assessment measures, data, and diagnosis(es) as well as how this information may be relevant to the current legal proceedings.
No. Forensic evaluations with the specific goal of answering a psycho-legal question or to be presented in court are NOT eligible to be covered by health insurance nor are these types of evaluations reimbursable by an insurance provider.
How Dr. Kaylor is Different from Other Forensic Evaluation Providers:
Dr. Kaylor is a licensed clinical psychologist, with a specialty in forensic issues. She is authorized to give diagnoses, where she sees fit.
To give a diagnosis, Dr. Kaylor will rely on multiple sources of information (e.g., questions about you/your history, test results, observations, prior records) to make a determination on diagnosis(es). Dr. Kaylor does not guarantee any diagnosis or case outcome.
Dr. Kaylor spends a great deal of time getting to know you and the details of your case. This will be reflected in the custom tests she chooses, the personalization of the report, and the recommendations section of her report.
Unlike other testing centers which often rely on several different professionals to complete pieces of the assessment, Dr. Kaylor will be the only psychologist working on your case. This is will result in a synthesized in-depth understanding of you and your case.
Dr. Kaylor will be the only psychologist working on your evaluation.
Unlike other testing centers, which may use supervised students/ interns/ residents who may be learning or inexperienced and could potentially make costly mistakes.
Oftentimes, testing reports are poorly written or unhelpful.
Dr. Kaylor wants you to have a full understanding of how she came to her conclusions. She writes her reports with both professionals (e.g., court personnel, psychiatrists) and lay-readers in mind.
Dr. Kaylor strives to return reports as quickly as possible. She knows that you are relying on the results of the report for your next steps in the court procedures. She will do her best (with your cooperation) to be extremely timely with reports, feedback, and case consultation.
Dr. Kaylor will provide you and your legal team with recommendations that can be used across multiple areas of your life (e.g., treatment, medication, support groups, strategies for coping with behavioral issues).